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This page provides information for voters to understand the decisions made by this board, the history leading to the decision, and why the decision was best for Juneau Schools and Students as we urge voters to VOTE NO on the Recall of Emil Mackey and Deedie Sorensen from the Juneau School Board.

Information on the Recall

The information provided here aims to help voters understand the impact and implications of the decision to recall Emil Mackey and Deedie Sorensen from the Juneau School Board.

Reasons for Urging Voters to Vote NO

Voters are urged to vote NO on the recall based on the positive contributions of Emil Mackey and Deedie Sorensen to the Juneau Schools and Students, and the potential negative consequences of their recall.

How the Decision Benefits Juneau Schools and Students

The decision to recall Emil Mackey and Deedie Sorensen is not in the best interest of Juneau Schools and Students, and the information provided here aims to shed light on the potential adverse effects of the recall.

    We have outlined the reasons for urging voters to vote NO, providing a comprehensive understanding of how the decision impacts Juneau Schools and Students, and why voting NO is in their best interest.

Impact Assessment of the Recall Decision

The impact assessment sheds light on the consequences of the recall and the potential disruption it may cause to the progress and stability of Juneau Schools and Students.

Engage with Us

For any inquiries, concerns, or additional information regarding the recall, feel free to engage with us through the contact details provided below.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at:

C/O Country Financial

8745 Glacier Hwy Ste 322

Juneau, AK 99801

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